
Development Research Institute (DRI)


Development Cooperation

2nd Edition

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Development Cooperation category goes in this second edition to the Development Research Institute (DRI), at New York University, for its contribution to the analysis of foreign aid provision, and its challenge to the conventional wisdom in development assistance.


The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Development Cooperation goes to the Development Research Institute (DRI) at New York University. “For its contribution to the analysis of foreign aid provision, and its challenge to the conventional wisdom in development assistance. DRI is helping to ensure that monies contributed from the rich world to the development of poor countries are better utilized.

The Development Research Institute has shown a strong commitment to fostering a lively dialogue about the benefits and deficiencies of foreign aid. It has highlighted the shortcomings in the existing body of research on foreign aid and failures in the implementation of aid policy. DRI’s Aid Watch initiative seeks to hold aid agencies accountable to scientific scrutiny. DRI is seeking to increase transparency and change the way institutions and international agencies think about development policies. DRI has also been able to keep their work in the public eye and to constantly challenge the assumptions and prescriptions of the aid community.

Their stress on accountability has created a movement towards evaluating foreign aid that is strongly influencing national and multilateral aid agencies. At a time when richer countries are being called on to increase aid expenditure, DRI has made it its mission to ensure that these resources are not wasted and that policy advice is effective.”