
Martin Ravallion


Development Cooperation

8th Edition

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Development Cooperation category has been granted in this eighth edition to economist Martin Ravallion, a pioneer in the measurement of poverty using internationally applicable standards. In 1991, he was the first author of a paper that set one dollar a day as the extreme poverty line below which survival could not be assured. This threshold has been universally accepted.


The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Development Cooperation category goes, in this eighth edition, to Martin Ravallion, the world’s leading researcher on the measurement of poverty in less developed and developing countries. His ground-breaking research has allowed the definition of precisely calculated poverty lines that are comparable across countries. His work has also contributed to understanding the causes and solutions of poverty, including the relationship between economic growth and poverty alleviation.

His work has influenced the objectives and targeting strategies of many international organizations, NGOs and development agencies, including the Millennium Development Goals. It has also informed the debate on the fight against poverty and the evolution of poverty reduction around the world. His research on China and India, two of the basic contributors to the trend in worldwide poverty reduction in the last twenty-five years, has been particularly influential. He has advised numerous governments and international agencies on poverty and the most appropriate policies to fight it.