Premio Fronteras del Conocimiento a Partha Dasgupta por definir el campo de la economía medioambiental al incorporar y cuantificar el valor social de la naturaleza

Partha Dasgupta


Economics, Finance and Management

16th Edition

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards in Economics, Finance and Management has gone in this sixteenth edition to Partha Dasgupta for laying the foundations of environmental economics through his pioneering work “on the interaction between economic life and the natural environment, including biodiversity.


The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Economics, Finance and Management category goes, in this sixteenth edition, to Partha Dasgupta for his pioneering work on the interaction between economic life and the natural environment, including biodiversity.

His article with Geoffrey Heal, “The Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources,” published in the early 1970s, defined the field of environmental economics by providing a basis for an analysis of how societies with a fixed quantity of depletable resources should allocate resources over time and invest in alternative technologies. His work on population has helped the understanding of trade-offs between population size and standards of living and inspired subsequent research on poverty, fertility, and the natural environment.

Partha Dasgupta provided conceptual foundations for the definition and measurement of sustainable development in economies where market prices undervalue the social value of nature because of pervasive externalities. In contrast with measures of wellbeing based on flows such as GDP, Dasgupta proposed measuring sustainable development as the change in the accounting value of total wealth, which includes natural capital.

These ideas have provided a framework for green accounting which is now widely adopted for measuring sustainable development.