Philip Glass

Philip Glass


Music and Opera

14th Edition

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Music and Opera has gone in this fourteenth edition to Philip Glass “for his extraordinary contribution to musical creation and opera, with a major impact in the music history of the 20th and 21st centuries,” in the words of the award committee.


The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Music and Opera category goes, in this fourteenth edition, to Philip Glass for his extraordinary contribution to musical creation and opera which has had a major impact in the music history of the 20th and 21st centuries. His distinctive style and fresh approach to composition have embraced different cultural traditions from all over the world, forging a unique and individual style while pursuing his own path with courage and conviction.

Highly respected by leading artists in many art forms, Glass is an international figure appealing to audiences of all generations. His work is performed in the most important opera houses and by leading musical ensembles around the world.

During his long and distinguished career, he has built a vast catalogue that includes 20 operas, 14 symphonies, and many concertos for soloists and film music, addressing the most significant issues of our times.