
Robert B. Wilson


Economics, Finance and Management

8th Edition

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance and Management goes in this eighth edition to Robert Wilson for pioneering contributions to the analysis of strategic interactions when economic agents have limited and different information about their environment.


The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Economics, Finance and Management category goes, in this eighth edition, to Robert B. Wilson for his pioneering contributions to the analysis of strategic interaction when economic agents have limited and different information about their environment. His research on auctions, electricity pricing, reputations, and dynamic interactions under such informational circumstances was groundbreaking and pervades economic analysis to this day.

Robert B. Wilson was among the first to analyze market situations using non-cooperative game theory, especially under circumstances of asymmetric information. He developed theoretical foundations – his concept of sequential equilibrium (joint with David Kreps) has been very influential – and also many of the tools that made practical market design (sometimes called “economic engineering”) possible, for example, the spectrum auctions for telecommunications.