Aitziber López Cortajarena is an Ikerbasque Research Professor and head of the Biomolecular Nanotechnology Group at CIC biomaGUNE, where she was appointed Scientific Director in January 2022. She holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of the Basque Country, and has worked as an associate researcher at Yale University (United States) and a senior researcher at IMDEA Nanociencia (Spain). Her research focuses on protein engineering for the generation of functional nanostructures and bioinspired materials, and her group has made key contributions in the design and development of protein-based hybrids with defined architectures and functionalities. Author of over 100 scientific papers, two books and five patents, she is a Senior Editor of Protein Science (Wiley) and has served as an associate editor for ACS Applied Biomaterials. A member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España, her distinctions include the Horizon Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry.