Lucrezia Reichlin is Professor of Economics at the London Business School and president of the Groupe des Écoles Nationales d’Économie et Statistique (GENES) in París, France. Her specialist fields are applied macroeconomics and econometrics, and she has pioneered methods for the economic analysis of large dimensional data and now-casting. Director General of Research at the European Central Bank between 2005 and 2008, and a founding fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics, she has researched on monetary policy, interactions between the oil cycle and the Phillips curve, and sectoral allocation, climate shocks and the persistence of inflation. Reichlin is a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Economic Association, and a Fellow of the Econometric Society and the British Academy, among other learned societies. In 2022 she was recognized by the Centre for Economic Policy Research for her contributions to the profession.