Martin Quack is a professor at ETH Zurich, where he heads the Molecular Kinetics and Spectroscopy Group in the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry. His research interests are in high-resolution spectroscopy, molecular kinetics, fundamental symmetries in physics and chemistry, and parity violation in chiral molecules. His many honors include the Nernst Haber Bodenstein Prize of the Bunsen Society, the Otto Klung Award of the Free University of Berlin, the Otto Bayer Prize of the Bayer Foundation, and the Paracelsus Prize of the Swiss Chemical Society. A former member of the Swiss National Research Council and a past president of the Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, he holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Göttingen (Germany), is a foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and serves on the Presidium of the German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina).