The President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, greets Rosemary and Peter Grant, laureates in Ecology and Conservation Biology.
Silvio Micali, Ronald Rivest and Adi Shamir, laureates in Information and Communication Technologies, with the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, and the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González.
Group photo with laureates in the 10th edition of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, Carmen Vela, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, Carlos Torres, CEO of BBVA, the Director of the BBVA Foundation, Rafael Pardo, and the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez.
Omar Yaghi, laureate in Basic Sciences, receives his diploma from the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González.
Shafi Goldwasser, laureate in Information and Communication Technologies, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, and the secretary of the jury, Mario Piattini.
Silvio Micali, laureate in Information and Communication Technologies, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, and the secretary of the jury, Mario Piattini.
Adi Shamir, laureate in Information and Communication Technologies, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, and the secretary of the jury, Mario Piattini.
Ronald Rivest, laureate in Information and Communication Technologies, receives his diploma from the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, next to the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, and the secretary of the jury, Mario Piattini.
James Allison, laureate in Biomedicine, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, and the jury chair, Angelika Schnieke.
William Nordhaus, laureate in Climate Change, with the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, and jury chair Bjorn Stevens.
Rosemary and Peter Grant, laureates in Ecology and Conservation Biology, with the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González, and jury secretary Pedro Jordano.
The laureates in Economics, Finance and Management, Robert Porter, Ariel Pakes and Timothy Bresnahan, with the jury secretary, Manuel Arellano, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, and the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González.
Nubia Muñoz, laureate in Development Cooperation, with the jury secretary, José García Montalvo, the President of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, and the President of the BBVA Foundation, Francisco González.
Kaija Saariaho, laureate in Contemporary Music, with Rosa Menéndez, President of CSIC, and Francisco González, President of the BBVA Foundation.
Awardees celebrate in the palace garden after the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards ceremony.